7:00PM-9:00 PM Beginners Meeting

Meeting Description

Meeting Type: Face to Face and Online

Meeting Access: Open to visitors Open to all who want to learn more about SAA 

Feel free to just show up you do not need to bring anything but a willingness to learn! This is a 2 Hour Step Study. We Bless Everyone's Comings and Goings, coming late is not a problem. 

Text 502-509-7452 if you have questions.  

Meeting Makeup: Mixed Any gender 

We would like to welcome you to the beginners meeting. We know the courage it takes facing sex addiction for the first time. All of us were in your shoes at one time. We do not offer advice or criticism instead we offer our experience, strength, and hope on how we work the 12 steps and overcome our addiction. It is our sincerest hope that you find what you are looking for.   Below you will find all the materials we using for the beginners meeting including the Meeting agenda. Our experience has shown that having a sponsor is critical to quickly working the steps and find relief from our addiction. The practice of this meeting is to assign a temporary sponsor before you leave the meeting. Your temporary sponsor will help you understand the information in the newcomers packet, define your three circles, and get you started working the steps.

If you need help please txt 502-509-7452



St Andrew's Episcopal Church Room 201

2233 Woodbourne Ave, Louisville, KY 40205

To Access the virtual meeting :

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 962 096 591

Passcode: 121212

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,962096591#,,,,,,0#,,121212# US (Chicago)

+16465588656,,962096591#,,,,,,0#,,121212# US (New York)

7th Tradition

Every SAA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

“We are fully self-supporting when we all take ownership of our common welfare, secure in the knowledge that even if certain members leave, the group will be strong enough to continue to carry its message.”

Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 89

Virtual Contributions: 


How to find the meeting room

Park on Ellerbe Ave [2] and enter into Handicap Entrance [1, Red Arrow] 

Walk down stairs Room 201 is on the left.  Extra parking [4] Front of Church[2]

Text Doug at 502-509-7452 if you need help. 



Doug H. Prefer Text/SMS 502-509-7452    Tief.Doug@gmail.com

Meeting Agenda

Beginners Meeting 00 Meeting Agenda.doc

Readings from Meeting

Resources from Meeting